
Make your own beat templates in 5 easy steps

Disclaimer: Some of the beat images were generated using DALL-E 2 OpenAI generating images by our request.

Here are five easy steps to making your own beat templates from scratch or modifying existing ones!
In addition, you will also learn a crazy and revolutionary tool in the whole subject of AI(artificial intelligence) art.

Tel Aviv
Here Come The Tears
A Man Was Shot

1. What is AI(artificial intelligence)?

The theory and creation of computer systems that can carry out tasks that would typically require human intelligence. For example, speech recognition, language translation, and visual perception.

2. Introducing you to DALL-E

DALL-E 2 is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language.
DALL-E is capable of producing images in a variety of genres, such as paintings, emoji, and photorealistic imagery. Without explicit guidance, it can correctly position design elements in creative compositions and “manipulate and rearrange”

3. How to make a beat template

To use the AI, you must first register on the DALL-E website. The business announced there was limited access to the application at the time I was given access, so waiting lists were established.
I finally got an email confirming that I can use the software after waiting on the list for around a month.
I was given 50 credits when I first opened the site, but I soon realized that each search in the software deducted one credit.

The app is very easy to use once you have access to it.
There is a search bar in the middle of the screen where you can type anything.
After thinking for 30 seconds, the computer will respond with four images, each of which can be modified in a different way.
Over time, you come to realize that the search bar needs to be exact and that every word and every word’s connotation has an impact on the output the computer returns.

4. Terms of Use

You should keep up to date on DALL-E’s website as the DALE-E’s terms of use can change from time to time.

Posting your own prompts / completions to social media is generally permissible, as is livestreaming your usage or demonstrating our products to groups of people. Please adhere to the following:

  • Manually review each generation before sharing or while streaming.
  • Attribute the content to your name or your company.
  • Indicate that the content is AI-generated in a way no user could reasonably miss or misunderstand.
  • Do not share content that violates our Content Policy or that may offend others.
  • If taking audience requests for prompts, use good judgment; do not input prompts that might result in violations of our Content Policy.

5. Conclusion and tip

Although artificial intelligence is slowly engulfing us in all aspects of our lives, in my opinion, the AI is a crazy tool that not everyone gets to know in-depth and experience.
I think the software offers arts that inspire on a different level, so I give the company that created it the highest praise.

*Tip: Always give DALL-E 2 and the OpenAI firm credit, but don’t forget to acknowledge your own creative efforts as well. It has their watermark and a clear text disclaimer that can’t be missed.


Picture of prodbydennn

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Thumbnail showing some of the thumbnails I made

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